To my squeals of delight Jeffrey Lewis has started a series of videos for In the first he and Laura Marling perform an awesome cover of Eminem's Braindamage. He's touring in the UK soon and come whatever I WILL see him this time...
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Jeffrey Lewis in the Guardian!
To my squeals of delight Jeffrey Lewis has started a series of videos for In the first he and Laura Marling perform an awesome cover of Eminem's Braindamage. He's touring in the UK soon and come whatever I WILL see him this time...
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Better Late Than Never... 25 Things
1. I used to be Christian, but now I don’t have to feel guilty about doing some ‘bad’ things that are just victimless.
2. I like bananas but hate banana flavoured things.
3. I love Maths but wish I could have taken degrees in Philosophy, Physics, English Lit, Geography, Geology, Art History and Classics too.
4. I blame Catherine for an insatiable Rufus Wainwright addiction.
5. I once referred to the state of Virginia in class as ‘vagina’, and never lived it down.
6. I stay awake at night and worry that because the Labour Party has abandoned the working classes the BNP and other fascists might have actual political power within 20 years.
7. All my friends joke that I have ‘nun fetish’ and I can’t remember how or why this jest started.
8. I always have at least 6 different types of tea, each for a different mood or time of day.
9. I divide almost all my free time between browsing BBC News,, YouTube, and Facebook.
10. ‘Anxious’ is my default setting.
11. I just found a card from an art gallery from 3 years ago that asked “How would you improve the world? Tell us in 12 words,” to which I appeared to have written “Make gin free to everyone to wash away the never-ending pain”.
12. Winter used to be my favourite season but now I spend most of winter wishing it was summer.
13. I often eat a whole can of sweetcorn on its own in one sitting.
14. I often affirm that I don’t want to get married and have children, but I fear deep down I truly do.
15. My only childhood ambition was to read out the scores on the Eurovision Song contest [Lol!]
16. Dark brown liquids disgust me – Bovril, Marmite, Brown Sauce and diahorrea all fall into the same bracket.
17. In the last few years I have developed a pastoral streak = listening to folk music and wishing I lived in a Thomas Hardy novel (without all the death, unrequited love and general misery).
18. I hold in highest disdain those who are not just ignorant of maths and science but proudly proclaim to be so.
19. I have deep insecurities which I don’t ever really share with anyone – I often tread them out on long walks. Introspection is a rather painful form of vanity.
20. I never had an imaginary friend but I did have an imaginary pet mouse, creatively called ‘Little Mouse’.
21. I am a pessimist but see it as an advantage – one is always expecting the worst and so is prepared for it when it comes or is pleasantly surprised if it doesn’t.
22. I can’t ride a bike.
23. I once dropped a shot-put on my head.
24. I buy books at a faster rate than I can read them.
25. The above list may make it seem that I am a rather irritable whilst melancholic fellow but I am in fact quite satisfied with my life and still rather jolly.
2. I like bananas but hate banana flavoured things.
3. I love Maths but wish I could have taken degrees in Philosophy, Physics, English Lit, Geography, Geology, Art History and Classics too.
4. I blame Catherine for an insatiable Rufus Wainwright addiction.
5. I once referred to the state of Virginia in class as ‘vagina’, and never lived it down.
6. I stay awake at night and worry that because the Labour Party has abandoned the working classes the BNP and other fascists might have actual political power within 20 years.
7. All my friends joke that I have ‘nun fetish’ and I can’t remember how or why this jest started.
8. I always have at least 6 different types of tea, each for a different mood or time of day.
9. I divide almost all my free time between browsing BBC News,, YouTube, and Facebook.
10. ‘Anxious’ is my default setting.
11. I just found a card from an art gallery from 3 years ago that asked “How would you improve the world? Tell us in 12 words,” to which I appeared to have written “Make gin free to everyone to wash away the never-ending pain”.
12. Winter used to be my favourite season but now I spend most of winter wishing it was summer.
13. I often eat a whole can of sweetcorn on its own in one sitting.
14. I often affirm that I don’t want to get married and have children, but I fear deep down I truly do.
15. My only childhood ambition was to read out the scores on the Eurovision Song contest [Lol!]
16. Dark brown liquids disgust me – Bovril, Marmite, Brown Sauce and diahorrea all fall into the same bracket.
17. In the last few years I have developed a pastoral streak = listening to folk music and wishing I lived in a Thomas Hardy novel (without all the death, unrequited love and general misery).
18. I hold in highest disdain those who are not just ignorant of maths and science but proudly proclaim to be so.
19. I have deep insecurities which I don’t ever really share with anyone – I often tread them out on long walks. Introspection is a rather painful form of vanity.
20. I never had an imaginary friend but I did have an imaginary pet mouse, creatively called ‘Little Mouse’.
21. I am a pessimist but see it as an advantage – one is always expecting the worst and so is prepared for it when it comes or is pleasantly surprised if it doesn’t.
22. I can’t ride a bike.
23. I once dropped a shot-put on my head.
24. I buy books at a faster rate than I can read them.
25. The above list may make it seem that I am a rather irritable whilst melancholic fellow but I am in fact quite satisfied with my life and still rather jolly.
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