So I have spent the last few days mainly twiddling my thumbs waiting for some work to come along, sleeping and spilling scolding hot coffee on myself. The lecture courses I'm taking this term are Algebraic Topology, Set Theory and Representation Theory which are all as thrilling as they sound. I actually rather enjoy Representation Theory (the area in which I was thinking I would do a DPhil) and the bonus is that the lectures are given by my personal tutor; Set Theory had potential until I turned up and the lecturer began by writing line after line of predicate calculus on the blackboard (history shows that the study of mathematical logic is v. bad for your mental health); and Algebraic Topology clearly has the capacity to ruin my life for the next 8 weeks.
In other news, I watched the inauguration, and thought that Obama's speech was very accomplished and lucidly set out a new ethos with regard to American foreign policy. But most importantly - did you see Aretha Franklin's enormous hat?!
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